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tu American Revolutionary xilux


Explorenem sawq'


mi tus tu civil xilx unwulh tu Great Britain 'i' North American, ni wulh hay tu kw mukws tumuxw kwintul tu American Revolutionary xilux 'i' xuxulumtum tu map utl North America. tl'im uw xisul kwintul tu British Americans stl'is kws expand Britain’s empire, ni wulh iyeq tu relationship between tu Americans 'i' tu Crown wulh haye' tu France haye'stum 'utl' North American empire 1763 tu silanum. uwu te tiyuxwen ukwFrench attack, uwu niis dependant tu American colonies ukw protections utl Britain. tl'im 'uw' bolstered tum tem skwyul tu Crown thutstuxw ordinances protecting xwulmuxw tumuxw 'i' guaranteeing tu French Canadian rights, u kwthu expense utl American territorial 'i' commercial expansion. ni levied taxes Britain ni wulh pay ukw colonial defence, ni xwuyuxwut rebellion tu american resentment.

wulh tus April 1775, uw tun ni battles utl Lexington 'i' Concord, kw rag tag army u thu regulars 'i' patriotic militias kwunet arms suq'a tu British forces uw tun ni North America.

tus July 4th 1776, ni agreed tu Continental Congress thuyt kwu xews democratic nation: tu United States utl America.

uwu niis wulh say tu xilux tu xwulmux, ni wulh say tu conflict. ni wulh yuqwut tu Iroquois Confederacy ha tse' nem' Tuscarora 'i' Oneida nem' qunqinum utl Americans, nilh tu Mohawks, Onondaga, Cayuga 'i' Seneca almutst tu British. ni kwunetus tu yuwen victories tu americans, tus ukw tumxuytl' 1776, tu British ni kwunet New York 'i' seized tu initiative.

tun ni

Eastern North America

Map north americaEastern North America
xilux Category: mukws xilux


United States 'utl' America

Flag for United States 'utl' America

Great Britain

Flag for Great Britain


United States 'utl' America

  • Maliseet
  • Mi’kmaq
  • Flag for France France
  • Flag for Spain Spain
  • Flag for Netherlands Netherlands
  • Oneida
  • Tuscarora
  • Lenape

Great Britain

  • Mohawks
  • Seneca
  • Onandaga
  • Cayuga
  • Cherokee
  • Shawnee
  • Flag for Hannover Hannover
  • Flag for Hesse-Kassel Hesse-Kassel
Ar surrender of burgoyne

si'em' xilux

Tu Battles 'utl Saratoga — Sept 19 - Oct 7 1777
Sept 19 - Oct 7 1777

tumkwelus 1777, ni wulh launched kwu invasion Britain 'utl' Canada 'i nem' south nem' u wkthu shumeens tumuxw. General John Burgoyne tu si'em', tu British force ni kwunetus tu Fort Ticonderoga ukw tu Americans tun ni' July 5th. nem south tu Burgoyne uw uyum ul 'i' ni wulh thuty tu Americans 'i' nemstuxw tu army suniw Horatio Gates ni kwunetus suw nilh. tu yuwen clash, tun ni Freemans Farm tun ni September 19th, eulh hay tu tl'i' kwintul British tl'uwnuq', tu lhiawuqt battle ukw Bemish Heights ni xwuro Benedict Arnold tu skwish nem suq'a tu reckless sortie nilh threatented tu British xuxulum ukw attack. hay ul xwum tu Burgoyne nem' hay' tuw 'iyum' 'ul'. October 17th, nilh tse forced to surrender kwu army yun ni qux 6000 sulweqe' nem' utl American captivity. wulh hay tu British invasion tu American, nilh decisive 'i' convinced tu Kingdom 'utl' France nem' suq'a tu xiluxtul USA’s side. tu vital alliance awstuxw tu American rebels tu supplies 'i' manpower ni stl'i's defeat tu British. nem u tu xilux tu France was quickly xwum tse ts'elqum tu Spain 'i' Netherlands, ni wulh causing tu kushintul nem' 'utl' North America.

wulh hay

suq'a France, Spain 'i' tu Netherland’s tu ni' almutst, tu American rebels ni wulh kwunetus tu tumuxw ni kwunetum tu Britain had. tun ni' 1779, nemustuxw American Major General John Sullivan ndm 'utl' Haudenosaunee shaxwamuts, yuxwut tu swes survival.

tus 1781 American 'i' French troops kwunet kw significant tl'wunuq tun ni Yorktown which forced Britain nem ukw peace. tu peace treaty ni xuxulum 1783 tu silanum drastically iyeq' political borders utl north america 'i' ethnic makeup.

qux tu American Loyalist refugees 'i' freed shumeen wet tu ni kwintul tu British, sus nem north utl British controlled Canada. tu Mohawks, tu ni' inspired si'si'met 'i' qulaan ukw tu swes skills ste'ukw guerrilla fighters, nem wulh haye' most tu swes tumuwx 'i' nem' tuywul tu niunuxw thuyt tu shxwamuts nilh present day Ontario. ni bankrupt their nation France, nilh xueconomic qulaan 'i' ni' lhxilush tu musteyxw nilh tu American Revolution. wulh tus tu chaos French Revolution 'i' xilux tun ni Europe uw wulh hiith ul.

si'em' Commanders

tu swiwulus George Washington u kwthu tth'atth'kwus silanum xilux
tu swiwulus George Washington u kwthu tth'atth'kwus silanum xilux

United States utl America
George Washington

tu si'em' syuwanumat George Washington skill ukw commander preserved tu Continental Army nem xwte' tu British. sulh hay tu haye' tu armys tun ni Valley Forge ukw tu tumxuytl' 1777, uw niis re engaged tu success tu Washington re-engaged. tus 1781, Washington’s army 'i' swes French sieeye' tl'wunuq' kw series ukw compelling tl'wunuq' which forced tu British nem 'u tu bargaining lutem. ni wulh thuyt tu Sullivan’s Expedition tu Washington, ni wuh yuxwut tu tumuxws 'utl' Mohawk shumeens.

hiwaq' Thayendanegea, Joseph Brant tu skwish
hiwaq' Thayendanegea, Joseph Brant tu skwish

Great Britain/Mohawks

Joseph Brant tu syuwen tu skwish, tu Mohawk xilux si'em' hay 'ul' stielh tu Thayendanegea u wkthu late 18th century, yuwen xwulmuxw musteyux commissioned ukw officer suniw tu British army. uw nilh unexw musteyuxw tu Thayendanegea’s suniw military tu tth'atth'kwus silanum xilux, ts'iut tu sq'eqs Molly’smemulyi' suqa' tu British diplomat William Johnson. ni hakwushus thumets xwulmuxw shuwuyulh 'i' British style statulnamut, Thayendanegea uw niis convinced tu Mohawks nem almutst Great Britain ukw tu xilux.

Key xiluxtun

nilh tu central part 'utl' xilux tu xiluxtun. le'lumut tu selections u tu 'iqw' ta'ult tu xiluxtun.tun ni' hakwush u tu kwintul.
Charleville Musket
Charleville Musket
Charleville Musket

Charleville Musket

Tu standard xiluxtun 'utl' French army tun ni' 1700s, qux tu ni' hakwush 'u kwthu Americans tun ni' Revolutionary xilux.



hakwushus tu Haudenosaunee stamish uw wulh hiith yuwen ewu tu xwulunitum, tu ni hkwush u tu xilux tu kwakwustun utl xilux 1812.

Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun

Gunstock xilux kwakustun

kw fusion 'ukw' traditional xwulmuxw kwakustun designs 'i' European metalworking, tu Gunstock xilux kwakwustun ni 'utl' 16th to the 19th centuries 'utl' North America.

tumuxw Pattern Musket
tumuxw Pattern Musket
tumuxw Pattern Musket

tumuxw Pattern Musket

Tu xiluxtun tu ni thuyt tu British Empire, tu .75 calibre musket “the Brown Bess” tu skwidh 'u kwthu British infantry.

Kentucky skwulesh
Kentucky skwulesh
Kentucky skwulesh

Kentucky skwulesh

tu Pennsylvania skwulesh, suq'a tu trademark hith, grooved barrel thuytum ukw accuracy, le'lumut qux hakwushum tun ni' 'utl' Kentucky frontier 'i tun ni tu American Revolution.



Tu tatulh xiluxtun 'utl' mankind's arsenal, ni kwthu ewu ukw firearms uwu ni' banish tu thumunts 'utl' North American battles.



ni' wulh kwan tun ni'1600s, hakwushus tu Tomahawks tu Canada’s special forces.

lumuxw tu lhiaqw' xilux
xiluxs ti red cloud

nem sawq'