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Tu Iroquois Wars


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tun ni 1600s, ni wulh thuyt tu french trading outpost ni wulh iyeq kwthu si'em's nem utl eastern north america. yuwen nilh tun ni interior ni kwunetum tu european 'i' nilh tu seasonal trading xuxulum 'i' maritime traders. tus ukw 1608 tu nanuts'a ambitious trader Samuel de champlain tu skwish. ni wulh thuytum kwthu xutstin, Quebec tu skwish uw tun u kwthu ruins utl Iroquoian town Stadacona tu skwish. stl'is kws thuyt tu lucrative squlew sithums uw tun ni tu xutstin, ni wulh yaaystul tu champlain suqa' tu xwulmuxw: Tu Algonquins, tu Innu 'i' tu Wendat. suw nilh conditons suqa' tu Wendat and Algonquins: yaaystul nem ukw Iroquois Confederacy. tun ni 1609, ni wul deafted kwthu Iroquois army , Champlain and two Frenchmen. hakwushus musket fire, sus uw ni whushumeens suqa' Haudenosaunee nations.

tl'im uw tsiws tu xwulmuxw 'i qux tu ni' qay xuwnemut tu European diseases kwunatul tu trade, nem u tu Dutch 'i' english colonists kwunet tu skwul'kwul'esh, steel 'i' european technology. suq'a tu arsenal, i wulh tus tu lhqetsus xwulmuxw nations ni wulh qay tu shumeens. stli's kws kwunet tu uy umush tumuxw 'i' assimilate tu captives 'i' ni' wulh replace Haudenosaunee tu ni qay ukw xilux 'i' disease. squlew xilux tu skwish, ni wulh thuyt tu thi refugee crisis tu iroquois xilux. nem west 'i' south qux tu musteyuxw.hayestum ukw qul Haudenosaunee raids.

tl'im uw paid tu wendat tu ni yaaystul tu france, tus ukw 1651 tu Iroquois ni wulh devastated tu tumuxws 'i' wulh haye' tu shumeens.

tu tu ojibwe' i tu Iroquois nem wulh xilux xwunemut tu tumuxs. ni wulh yuqwut tu french settlments i kwunet tu tawuns ste'ukw montreal, nem xiluxtul tu french nem ukw tu qul xilux.

tun ni

Southern Quebec, Southern Ontario, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio

Map north americaSouthern Quebec, Southern Ontario, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio
xilux Category: Endemic xilux


  • Iroquois Confederacy

    • Seneca
    • Cayuga
    • Onandaga
    • Oneida
    • Mohawk
  • Franco-Indigenous Alliance

    • France
    • Wendat
    • Algonquins
  • Three Fires Confederacy

    • Odawa
    • Potawatomi
    • Ojibwe


Iroquois Confederacy

  • Flag for The Dutch Republic The Dutch Republic
  • Flag for England England

Franco-Indigenous Alliance

  • Susquehannock
  • Innu
  • Petun
  • Wenro
  • Erie
  • Acadians
  • Mahicans

Three Fires Confederacy

  • France
  • Cree
Ir 004 heroique defesense of dollard and his companions lr

si'em' xilux

Tu Battle utl Long Sault — May 2 - 10 1660
May 2 - 10 1660

tus 1660, ni tl'wunuq tu Iroquois Confederacy tu hith conflict suq'a France. uw niis wulh resisted tu push uw tuni southern ontario tu Ojibwe and their allies. tu lhqetsus xwulmuxw kwunetus utl Ottawa 'i' St. Lawrence Rivers. nilh uw swes shelhs nem utl raid French tumuxws 'i' trade convoys with impunity. nem xiluxstuxw tu militia captain Adam Dollard tu skwish nem' suq'a tu Haudenosaunee. Dollard, stutes fifty tree militia 'i' stamish, nem' ambushed kw uxwin party utl Onondagas stutes tu Ottawa stalo. uw uxwin ul tu swes tlunuq. ni tsetsuwut tu thi stamish. nem suq'a Haudenosaunee, wulh haye' 30 sieeye' stamish. wulh hay''e tu force utl Dollard’s nem u tu abandoned stockade uw tun ni Long Sault tu skwish 'i' thuyt tu xilush. t'et'sus skweyul, wulh unuxw tu Dollard’s 28 stamish unuxw wulh qux over 600 stamish, wulh thuty log shields tu Haudenosaunee nem' tun ni kwthu tamun 'i' yuxwut kw breach. ni kwunetus tu fort Haudenosaunee, tl'im uw costly tu nuts'a tlwunuq. wulh qay tu stamish utl Iroquois Confederacy tl'im uw saas p'e' tey 'i' nem' strike utl Montreal.

wulh hay

wulh hay Iroquois xilux tun ni' 1701, tem tse France, tu Haudenosaunee 'i' kwthu xwulmuxw hiwaq' xuxalum tu treaty the Great Peace of Montreal tu skwish. uw hith ul prolonged violence, qux tu ni qaytum 'i'qux tu nem haye'stuxw haye' ukw le'lums. nem utl Mississippi River watershed. lumstuxw tu thi peptitul ukw sulhtun sources nem utl east, nem west tu Ojibwe nem utl Dakota tumuxws 'i' Meskwaki,wulh eil tu qulaan uw hith ul. ni wulh kwunetus peace suq'a france tu Iroquois Confederacy 'i' kwunet tu tumuxw suniw Ohio Country, nilh ni suffered heavily xwunemut tu xilux. hith u kwthu several decades, tu Haudenosaunee uwu nem xwuentangled suniw tu Imperial xilux nem utl eastern North America.

si'em' Commanders

hiwaq' Hendrick Tejonihokarawa 'utl' Mohawk musteyuxw
hiwaq' Hendrick Tejonihokarawa 'utl' Mohawk musteyuxw

Iroquois Confederacy
Hendrick Tejonihokarawa

ni' kwan ni' ukwthu Iroquois xilux, Hendrick Tejonihokarawa uw niis tu tsuwtuns 'utl' Haudenosaunee sovereignty 'utl' tu French. nilh thuyt kwthu alliance suq'a a shumeesn utl france: England. tu ni kwunet tu partnership, ni yuwenus 'utl' Mohawk stamish stunastul English militias xwte' tu French colonies tuni 1690 'i' 1710 nem utk Dngland tu Hendrick Tejonihokarawa suqa' swes stielh si'em'.

Samuel De Champlain, suwqtus tu Quebec
Samuel De Champlain, suwqtus tu Quebec

Franco-Indigenous Alliance
Samuel De Champlain

ni nenm 'utl' North America nilh ni merchant, Samuel de Champlain lumstuxw nilh tse' hakwush force xwunemut profits. tun ni 1609 nilh tu syuwenulh utl French mercenaries stutes Wendat 'i' Algonquin stamish 'utl' kw xiluxtul tu Iroquois tun ni' Ticonderoga. uw niis tse nem' tu yuselu expeditions tun ni' 1610 'i' 1615, qulstuxw suw nilh tu Iroquois u kwthu brutality.

Key xiluxtun

nilh tu central part 'utl' xilux tu xiluxtun. le'lumut tu selections u tu 'iqw' ta'ult tu xiluxtun.tun ni' hakwush u tu kwintul.


Tu tatulh xiluxtun 'utl' mankind's arsenal, ni kwthu ewu ukw firearms uwu ni' banish tu thumunts 'utl' North American battles.

Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun

Gunstock xilux kwakustun

kw fusion 'ukw' traditional xwulmuxw kwakustun designs 'i' European metalworking, tu Gunstock xilux kwakwustun ni 'utl' 16th to the 19th centuries 'utl' North America.



tl'im 'uw kwutus 'i' iyum tu Harquebus tu ni' reload, tl'im 'uw' 'uy' tu qay'namut power tu ni unparalleled stw'ukw' xwulmuxw tl'uts'a 'i' stthumunt xiluxtun.



hakwushus tu Haudenosaunee stamish uw wulh hiith yuwen ewu tu xwulunitum, tu ni hkwush u tu xilux tu kwakwustun utl xilux 1812.



ni' wulh kwan tun ni'1600s, hakwushus tu Tomahawks tu Canada’s special forces.

lumuxw tu lhiaqw' xilux
stuy'elh sweqe' xiluxs tu Philip

nem sawq'