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tth'akwus silanum xilux


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tth'atthkwus silanum xilus tu skwish, tu yuwen tumuxw xilux wulh hiith nem u tu tooxw silanum, tu hay ul yuwen uw tun ni North America. wulh tus tu xilux 1754 tu silanum, tum tem tu nan'uts'a British-American officer George Washington tu skwish, suw nilh attacked kw French patrol 'uw' tun ni' Jumonville Glen, Pennsylvania. ni wulh hay tu attack tl'im uw qul tu ni qay'tweut kwthu ni wulh xilush tu George Washington suniw tu tth'atth'kwus silanum xiluxni wulh xilush tu George Washington suniw tu tth'atth'kwus silanum xilux French prisoner tu sweyqe's tu Washington nilh tu Mingo Tanahgrisson. sus uw stalqut tu French 'i' kwunet tu Washington uw tun ni Fort Necessity, nuwu tse xuxulut kwthu French document suw nilh thuts tu shumeens, nilh hakwushus tu attack. nilh xwujustification ukw xilux 'i' nem' wulh thuyt tu France 'i' Britain nem imush tu armies xunemut tu undeclared xilux suniw North America. nem' wulh attempted kw series ukw offensives xwte' frontier 'utl' France’s fort tu Britain, mukws tu ni defeated 'i' fought kwthu draw ukw French forces. nilh tu success utl France nilh tu xwulmuxw allies ste'ukw tu Abenaki 'i' Odawa i ni awtewut tu skilled stamish ukw xwuthuthuqut combat.

tus 1756, xwuthi tu kwikwuntul tl'im uw intense tun ni North America tey tu Kingdom utl Prussia xutustum took of advantage ukw distraction utl france tu annex portions utl Saxony. wulh tus prompted utl si'em's Europe power suq'a tu xilux utl France, forcing Britain 'i' Prussian nem xwunutsa'maat ukw convenience. 'i' uwu te' sieeye', Britain uystuxw tu thi advantage tu Britain uwk naval power, unuxw tu direct strike xwte' tu tumuxws 'i' limiting tu reinforcements utl France nemstuxw swes colonies. wulh qux tu colonial subjects utl Britain tun ni North America, wulh lhxilush tu qulaan xwte' French forces.

uw uxwin ul tu tintin, tu kwikwuntul unwulh tu two shumens nem' across tu tumuxw 'i' tun ni' European colonies 'i' outposts.

suniw North America, xwuincreasingly brutal tu kwintul nilh tu xwulmuxw 'i' European settlers raided tu tumuxws suniw guerrilla xilux xwunemut control ukw tumuxw.

tun ni

Eastern North America, India, Caribbean, Europe, West Africa, Florida

Map worldEastern North America, India, Caribbean, Europe, West Africa, Florida
xilux Category: mukws xilux


Franco-Indigenous Alliance


The Covenant Chain Alliance


Franco-Indigenous Alliance

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  • Shawnee
  • Flag for Holy Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire
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The Covenant Chain Alliance

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  • Flag for Portugal Portugal
  • Flag for Hesse-Kassel Hesse-Kassel
  • Flag for Hannover Hannover
  • Cherokee
Sy siege of quebec

si'em' xilux

Tu Battle 'utl' Plains 'utl' Abraham — Sept 13 1759
Sept 13 1759

lhixw silanum ukw kwintul, tus 1759 yuxwut tu france tu Great Britain tu frontier defences 'i' kwunet tu city utl Quebec under siege. British Brigadier General James Wolfe, uw niis wulh desperate nem kwunet tu strategically vital fortified tumuxw yuwen lhiws St. Lawrence stal'o 'i' unuxw tu Britain’s Navy ukw resupplying tu army's. September 13th ,tu skweyul niis landed 4500 sulweqwe' tun ni tu stal'o u kwthu large saxwul uw tun ni' Quebec tamun. tu si'em' 'i' hiwaq' u kwth swes army tun ni utl Canada, Le Marquis de Montcalm, nem imush lelumut tuw nilh suq'a tu army. tlim uw professionals tu sulweqe' utl Wolfe , nilh tu troops 'i' Canadian militia 'utl' Montcalm, hakwushus tu guerrilla combat 'i' 'uwu niis kwintul ukw formation. ni' wulh fired several volleys 'i' uxwin ul tu effect tu French, uw almutst tu British nem ukw close range yuwen ni skwulesht. wulh reeling tu french army, tu Scottish Highlanders u kwthu 78th Regiment, nem charged tu shumeen hakwush tu broadswords. suw nilh tu assault, sus uw nem haye' tu French army. nilh tu xwulmuxw 'i' Canadian snipers uw tun ni tu xwthuthiqut tse'wut tu musteyuxw. ni wulh hameqlh tu Wolfe 'i' Montcalm. uwu te' si'em' yuwanulh, nem wulh hay'e tu French utl Quebec 'i' nem' tun ni' Montreal.

wulh hay

sus uw kwunetus tu Quebec tu British 'i' tu Royal Navy unuxw reinforcement utl France, ni wulh surrendered tu Montreal tu General Jeffery Amherst, tun ni 1760. ni nem tus1763 tu xilux tun ni' Europe, tu hilum utl Montreal i wulh hay kw major combat uw tun ni' North America. tun ni ukw peace negotiations, wulh agreed France ukw annexations utl Britain u kwthu colonies tun ni Northeastern North America stl'is kws kewunet sugar producing skwathe 'utl' Guadeloupe. suw nilh unexw tu threa tu britian 'i' niis thuyt tu American colonists ni dependent ukw tu le'lum' country xwunemut protection. Annexing tu colonies utl france anni wulh forced tu British uw niis accommodate tu xews Francophone Catholic yaays suqa' Quebec act, 'i wulh teti'yuq tu British Americans. tu tewuqun 'i' musteyuxw ts'elqum tu American Revolution. ni wulh impacted swes xwulmuxw sieeye'unuxw tu xwulmuxw ste'ukw Odawa, Ojibwe 'i' Wendat kw reliable source ukw skwulesh 'i' ammunition. ni wulh thuyt tu forts tu Amherst suniw tu tumuxws 'i' American settlers nem u tu tumuxws, wulh xilush tu xwulmuxw yuwen tu saas ul 'i' resist.

si'em' Commanders

General Montcalm, commander uke France's army tun ni North America
General Montcalm, commander uke France's army tun ni North America

Lois Joseph – Marquis de Montcalm

ni wulh seasoned veteran tu Montcalm u kwthu European battlefield ha ni tus utl Canada, 'i' niis lumstuxw tu worths by uw niis kwunet tu outposts. uwu ni thuthi ukw guerrilla warfare ste'ukw North America 'i' nilh struggled yaaystul utl sieeye's utl france. uwu niis 'uy' tu realities utl North American xilux nilh tu tsuwtun u kwthu infamous Fort William Henry Massacre.

General James Wolfe ni qaytum u kwthu Siege 'utl' Quebec, ni' xwusi'em' 'u kwthu xilux
General James Wolfe ni qaytum u kwthu Siege 'utl' Quebec, ni' xwusi'em' 'u kwthu xilux

British Empire
James Wolfe

kws qaqi, si'em swiwlus, suw shtewun ni tse' qay uw uxwin ul tun ni tu battlefield, ni wulh si'em tu James Wolfe nilh ni daring 'i' able tu shumeens u kwthu tth'atthkwus silanum xilux. yuwen tu Wolfe 'i' hakwush kwu musket ukw battle, uwu niis tu Britain’s aristocratic officer. uw tun ni unuxw utl Louisbourg 'i' Quebec, nilh tu Wolfe niis kwunet shsi'em' 'i' daring kwunetus tu skweyul.

Key xiluxtun

nilh tu central part 'utl' xilux tu xiluxtun. le'lumut tu selections u tu 'iqw' ta'ult tu xiluxtun.tun ni' hakwush u tu kwintul.
tumuxw Pattern Musket
tumuxw Pattern Musket
tumuxw Pattern Musket

tumuxw Pattern Musket

Tu xiluxtun tu ni thuyt tu British Empire, tu .75 calibre musket “the Brown Bess” tu skwidh 'u kwthu British infantry.

Charleville Musket
Charleville Musket
Charleville Musket

Charleville Musket

Tu standard xiluxtun 'utl' French army tun ni' 1700s, qux tu ni' hakwush 'u kwthu Americans tun ni' Revolutionary xilux.

Kentucky skwulesh
Kentucky skwulesh
Kentucky skwulesh

Kentucky skwulesh

tu Pennsylvania skwulesh, suq'a tu trademark hith, grooved barrel thuytum ukw accuracy, le'lumut qux hakwushum tun ni' 'utl' Kentucky frontier 'i tun ni tu American Revolution.



Tu tatulh xiluxtun 'utl' mankind's arsenal, ni kwthu ewu ukw firearms uwu ni' banish tu thumunts 'utl' North American battles.



hakwushus tu Haudenosaunee stamish uw wulh hiith yuwen ewu tu xwulunitum, tu ni hkwush u tu xilux tu kwakwustun utl xilux 1812.



ni' wulh kwan tun ni'1600s, hakwushus tu Tomahawks tu Canada’s special forces.

Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun

Gunstock xilux kwakustun

kw fusion 'ukw' traditional xwulmuxw kwakustun designs 'i' European metalworking, tu Gunstock xilux kwakwustun ni 'utl' 16th to the 19th centuries 'utl' North America.

lumuxw tu lhiaqw' xilux
xilux 'utl' pontiac

nem sawq'