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xilux 'utl' pontiac


Explorenem sawq'


ni wulh hay tu tth'atthkwus silanum xilux xwunemut tu 1763 treaty, nilh tu xutstin ukw France’s colonial empire utl North America. ni wulh iyeq' tu si'em' ukw tu musteyuxw tun ni eastern north america 'i' ni'tus tu xwulmuxw allies. xwulmuxw ste'ukw Odawa, Ojibwe, Shawnee 'i' Mingo, uw niis 'ikw' kw powerful ally wet nem le'lumut tu British expansion nem u tu tumuxw 'i' awtewut tu skwulesh.  General Jeffery Amherst, si'em' hiwaq' ukw British forces tun ni Canada General Jeffery Amherst, si'em' hiwaq' ukw British forces tun ni Canada tu Commander 'i' Chief utl Britain’s occupation fnemustuxw tu Jeffery Amherst, kwunetus tu weakness uw sus uw ts'elqum kw policy uw uxwin ul tu xwulmuxw power uw tun ni Ohio Country 'i' tu Great Lakes. yuwen ni unuxw tu sale ukw skwulkwulesh xwte' xwulmuxw musteyuxw,sus uw thutyus tu forts uw tun ni xwulmuxw tumuxws. nilh tu qulaas, tu si'em ste'ukw Odawa hiwaq' Pontiac 'i' Mingo hiwaq' Guyasuta suw thuts 'i lhe.

hakwushus u charisma and diplomatic skills tu pontiac uw niis thuyt tu coalition ukw xwulmuxw stl'is kws lhxiludh xwte' tu British Empire. tus ukw April 27 1763, kws ni tathut kwunet tu Fortutl Detroi tu pontica. suw nilh repulsed 'i' forced nem uwk siege, example ni wulh inspired kw general tu Pontiac lhxilush tu xwulmuxw musteyuxw nem u thu region. tus June 22, thuyt tets-ethw 'i' ni yuqwutum 'i' kwunet Fort Pitt tu Guyasuta, present day Pittsburgh, under siege. Jeffery Amherst’s wulh qul tu belligerent policies utl Jeffery Amherst, ni wulh thuytum ni qulstaam tu xwulmuxw, uw niis say tu xilux. uwu niis thuyutum lwilwuntul tu birtish army.

tun ni

Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, northwest New York

Map usaPennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, northwest New York
xilux Category: Regional xilux


Confederacy's tu pontiac


Great Britain


Confederacy's tu pontiac

  • Lenape
  • Shawnee
  • Wabash Confederacy

Great Britain

  • Oneida
  • Onandaga
  • Tuscarora
  • Cayuga
  • Mohawks
Po 013 204 the battle of bushy run lr

si'em' xilux

xilux 'utl' Bushy Run — August 5 - 6 1736
August 5 - 6 1736

ni wulh hay u kwthu defeats xwunemut musteyuxw utl Pontiac tun ni' yuq'wiq'wul'us 'i' tumkweulus ukw 1763, ni wulh launched kw yuselu attack xwte tu xwulnuxw sieges utl Detroit 'i' Fort Pitt. tu yuwen Captain James Dalyell, nem utl Detroits tu Pontiac tun ni July 31. wulh hay'e tu force tu lhi'awq si'em' ,Henry Bouquet tu skwish, ni wulh ambushed nilh tu stamish iwq' Guyasuta tun ni Bushy Run. tu force utl Bouquet, tl'im uw Scottish Highland regiments, lhxilush p'e' 'i' kwintul wulh tus ukw snet. ts'elqum skweyul, ni thuytus tu trap tu Bouquet xwunemt stamish's utl Guyasuta yuxwutus tu dunuthut, ha tse nem tu stamish, lmnuxw tu musket fire 'i' tu Highlanders. hakwushus swords 'i' bayonets, the qaytewut tu stamish tu highlandeer.nem wulh haye' tu Guyasuta.

wulh hay

nem wulh haye' tu Guyasuta’s tun ni Bushy Run hay'estum utl fort pitt. Tlim uw qul tu blow ukw xwulmuxw resistance. uwu nem battle tu ts'elqum musteyuxw Pontiac 'i' Guyasuta’s suq'a British army 'i' hakwush guerrilla strategy 'i' nem' raiding American settlers. ste'ukw Guyasuta, nem' hay'e tu Pontiac ukw siege utl Detroit 'i' nem u tu xwuthuthiqut. tus ukw tumkweyulus 1764 txuxulum elhtun kwthu peace agreement.uwu niis xuxulum tuPontiac ukw yuselu silanum uw nilh qaytewut tun ni 1769.

tluwunq tu Great Britain, tu qulaan Pontiac 'i' Guyasuta limstum tsewut tu xwlunitum tault: ni lhxlus tu xwulmuxw.

ni ulh tu qulaan, tu King George III thuty tu Royal Proclamation ukw 1763. nilh uw swes tu,muxws south utl Great Lakes 'i' East utl Appalachian mountains i ni xwuIndian Reserve.” The Royal Proclamation still has legal authority tun i Canada, nilh tu legal basis u tuw mukws xwulmux land claims.

si'em' Commanders

hiwaq' Pontiac 'utl' Odawa
hiwaq' Pontiac 'utl' Odawa

Confederacy's tu pontiac
Chief Pontiac

statulstuxw tu Odawa musteyuxw nilh p'e' Obwandiyag, hay ul yuwen tu Pontiac kwakwiyuthut xwulmuxw hiwaq' uw niis q'eput' tu musteyuxw unuexw tu American expansion nem' 'utl' Great Lakes 'i' Ohio Country si'em u u kwthu tth'atth'kwus silanum xilux, tl'im uw si'em tu Pontiac hakwushus tu snuw'uyulh 'uw' yath.

Swiss kwan British officer Henry Bouquet
Swiss kwan British officer Henry Bouquet

Great Britain
Herny Bouquet

nilh Swiss soldier uw niis thuyt tu military career uw tun ni' Netherlands, Bouquet enem suniw utl British army ukw tu tth'atth'kwus silanum xilux. nilh xwusi'em' soldier, ni wulh xilush tu Bouquet ukw tu ranks. wulh tus ukw xiluxs tu Pontiac, Bouquet kwunetus tu Fort Pitt 'i' yuwentus tu expedition to ts'ets'uwut Guyasuta’s siege. iyeqtus tu xilux tu victory's

Key xiluxtun

nilh tu central part 'utl' xilux tu xiluxtun. le'lumut tu selections u tu 'iqw' ta'ult tu xiluxtun.tun ni' hakwush u tu kwintul.
Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun
Gunstock xilux kwakustun

Gunstock xilux kwakustun

kw fusion 'ukw' traditional xwulmuxw kwakustun designs 'i' European metalworking, tu Gunstock xilux kwakwustun ni 'utl' 16th to the 19th centuries 'utl' North America.



hakwushus tu Haudenosaunee stamish uw wulh hiith yuwen ewu tu xwulunitum, tu ni hkwush u tu xilux tu kwakwustun utl xilux 1812.

tumuxw Pattern Musket
tumuxw Pattern Musket
tumuxw Pattern Musket

tumuxw Pattern Musket

Tu xiluxtun tu ni thuyt tu British Empire, tu .75 calibre musket “the Brown Bess” tu skwidh 'u kwthu British infantry.



Tu tatulh xiluxtun 'utl' mankind's arsenal, ni kwthu ewu ukw firearms uwu ni' banish tu thumunts 'utl' North American battles.



ni' wulh kwan tun ni'1600s, hakwushus tu Tomahawks tu Canada’s special forces.

Kentucky skwulesh
Kentucky skwulesh
Kentucky skwulesh

Kentucky skwulesh

tu Pennsylvania skwulesh, suq'a tu trademark hith, grooved barrel thuytum ukw accuracy, le'lumut qux hakwushum tun ni' 'utl' Kentucky frontier 'i tun ni tu American Revolution.

Basket Hilt Sword
Basket Hilt Sword
Basket Hilt Sword

Basket Hilt Sword

tu xiluxtun 'utl' Scottish stamish tun ni' 17th and 18th centuries, ni'ulh stab, lhitsut limbs 'i' crush an enemy’s thiawq' nilh tu iron basket hilt.

lumuxw tu lhiaqw' xilux
tu American Revolutionary xilux

nem sawq'